Program Highlights

  • One calendar year of training in the office/facility of the Fellowship Director where the majority of time is spent training.
  • The Fellow must participate in 300 cosmetic dermatologic surgery cases and observe 1,000 cases under the direct supervision of the Fellowship Director or Associate Fellowship Director in at least five of the eight categories identified in the Procedure Table.
  • The Fellow must receive didactic and clinical instruction in all areas of the curriculum.
  • The Fellow must be exposed to experiences designed to augment training: writing and reviewing clinical manuscripts, attending local and national conferences, presenting at clinical conferences and teaching residents.

logo-cosmetic-fellowship-accreditation-programASDS accreditation confirms and recognizes cosmetic dermatologic surgery fellowship programs that meet high-quality standards. The Cosmetic Dermatologic Surgery Fellowship Accreditation curriculum emphasizes the acquisition of knowledge and skills with one fellow per two faculty, allowing ample opportunity for hands-on experiences and one-on-one learning.

Program Objectives

  • Educate dermatologists in advanced cosmetic dermatologic surgery procedures.
  • Initiate the process of academic development in individuals who aspire to careers in the university hospital environment.
  • Inspire the skills and enthusiasm required to maintain a lifelong commitment to continuing education in the field of cosmetic dermatologic surgery.


Fellowship Directors Seeking Accreditation for their Programs

Submit the completed application forms – including all required supporting documentation and fees – to ASDS by the application deadline date. The site review will occur after initial accreditation review is completed and provisional approval is granted.

Fellowship Application Process Overview

Apply for Program Accreditation

All Cosmetic Dermatologic Surgery Fellowship Programs accredited by ASDS will be one year in duration. The principal objective is to educate dermatologists in cosmetic dermatologic surgery procedures to be performed in private offices or community hospitals as well as to initiate the process of academic development in those individuals who aspire to careers in the university hospital environment. The number of Fellows accepted into the program will be determined by the program on a case-by-case basis, with at least two faculty members to adequately support the educational needs of one Fellow.

Cosmetic Dermatologic Surgery Fellowship Directors and Graduates at the 2024 ASDS Annual Meeting in Orlando


Dermatologists Seeking Fellowships with ASDS-Accredited Programs

Fellowship Directors may request an exemption from the match participation annually. The exemptions are typically granted if the fellowship program doesn’t have an open fellowship training position, have already selected the Fellow prior to the match open date or if the program participates in another match program (e.g., MSDO).

View 2025/2026 Match Exemptions

Important Links for Fellows

ASDS Accredited Programs Directory (PDF)

Procedures Case Log

Apply for Fellowship Training at SF Match

Access the Cosmetic Structured Didactics on ASDS Learn

Drs. Alastair and Jean D. Carruthers Award

All new fellow applications are processed through SF Match. Registered applicants can view program information and follow each registered program's instruction on their application process. ASDS does not manage the application process.

Timeline for 2026 Cosmetic Dermatologic Surgery Fellowship Match:

  • Monday, June 2, 2025 — Applicant registration begins. Please note that registration is open until the rank list deadline. Applicants are encouraged to register as early as possible to allow time to apply and for interviews.
  • Monday, January 5, 2026 — ALL rank lists must be submitted by 12 p.m. (noon) PT. After the deadline rank list choices will be locked and no changes can be made.
  • Monday, January 12, 2026 — Match results are made available to programs, applicants and U.S. medical schools through the SF Match system. A login is required to view results.
  • Tuesday, January 13, 2026 — Any vacancies that remain after the match will be announced on the Immediate Vacancies page. Vacancy listings are managed by the individual programs.
  • July/Aug./Sept. 2026 — Cosmetic Dermatologic Surgery Fellowship training begins.

Log in to view the full list of accredited programs and Fellowship Curriculum!

Fellowship Curriculum

The emphasis of the CDS Fellowship Curriculum is the acquisition of knowledge and skills based upon specific procedure categories. Fellows should receive didactic and clinical instruction in all areas of the curriculum.

This publication is intended to serve as a resource for Fellows enrolled in a Cosmetic Dermatologic Surgery (CDS) Fellowship to complement the curriculum outlined in the Accreditation Handbook as teaching guides for the year with the understanding that cosmetic dermatologic surgery is an evolving specialty, so the topics are subject to change.. Many outlines have corresponding recorded structured didactic presentations available on-demand on ASDS Learn, and links to these presentations are included within each chapter. This document will be updated regularly, as additional content becomes available.



This year has been absolutely outstanding and far exceeded any of my expectations. From my attendings, to the daily patient care opportunities, to the staff I worked side-by-side with daily, everything was absolutely perfect. This was the most important year of my training thus far and integral to my future career as an academic cosmetic dermatologist. SCP has every laser, a robust patient population with different presentations of similar disease processes and different Fitzpatrick skin types, the opportunity for hands on learning and treating patients during the day and after hours, journal club, lectures, and a robust research program. Uniquely this program also offers a robust surgical curriculum, as I was able to further improve my surgical skills under the tutelage of Dr. Rohrer. In my opinion, this program does not have any weaknesses. I am so grateful for this amazing opportunity.”
– Jessica Labadie, MD; 2021-22 Fellow at Skincare Physicians

“I had a great year in a very high-volume cosmetic practice which allowed me to have exceptional hands-on training in the breadth of cosmetic procedures. I feel very confident to practice on my own as a result of the high volume and the hands-on approach taken during this fellowship. I enjoyed creating a relationship with a mentor who has 30 years of experience in cosmetic surgery.”
– Rohini Shantharam, MD; 2021-22 Fellow at Behr Laser & Skin Care Center

“Appreciated the diversity of this combined Mohs and cosmetics fellowship and the opportunity to perform so many scar revisions and various other cosmetic procedures. This practice has so many devices, it was really a playground for the motivated fellow. The very experienced and well-respected Dr. Goldberg and his staff of physicians and PAs proved to be an incredible resource.”
– Jack Levy, MD; 2021-22 Fellow at Skin Laser and Surgery Specialists of NY & NJ

“I had an amazing experience at MGH and The Wellman Center for Photomedicine. I am graduating not only with a firm grasp of lasers and cosmetics and their clinical use but also with a deep understanding of the science and technology that underlies lasers and light-based devices. I am a better clinician, proceduralist and research scientist because of this fellowship!”
– Patricia Richey, MD; 2021-22 Fellow at Massachusetts General Hospital Dermatology Laser and Cosmetic Center

“The ASDS Cosmetic Dermatologic Surgery Fellowship at Cosmetic Laser Dermatology is extremely comprehensive and all fellows who train here will leave being experts in cosmetic dermatologic surgery. The fellowship year was superb.”
– Jameson Loyal, MD; 2021-22 Fellow at Cosmetic Laser Dermatology