Now Accepting Nominations

Kimberly Butterwick, MD
2023 Stegman Award Recipient

The Award

The career of Samuel J. Stegman, MD, was linked with innovative leadership and tireless advocacy for the specialties of dermatology and dermatologic surgery. His distinguished skills as a clinician, teacher, mentor, researcher and lecturer played a critical role in the evolution of dermatologic surgery and helped foster the growth of ASDS. This special award honors members of ASDS who, through individual effort, have made a substantial contribution to the advancement of the goals of ASDS in the areas of education, organizational service and / or research.

In addition to a statue commemorating the award, the recipient will receive a travel grant and complimentary registration for the ASDS Annual Meeting. The awardee will be notified in writing by mid-July and is expected to attend the ASDS Annual Meeting to receive the award.