Work Group Member Responsibilities

Volunteer members are expected to fully and actively participate in work group/committee activities, respond to written and electronic communication, and attend all conference calls and meetings.

Committees are directly responsible to the Board of Directors through the office of the executive director. Committees and individual committee members may not commit to expenditure of funds, obligate the Society to activities, and may not express opinions or represent positions in the name of the Society, unless specifically authorized by the Board of Directors, Executive Committee, or Executive Director. In proposing a program or activity that may involve expenditure of funds, committees must submit the necessary paperwork to obtain approval for the Exception to Budget.

In order for ASDS to be successful in achieving its vision, it is critical that the individuals chosen to participate in the Society's committees and work groups are able to fulfill their responsibilities as outlined in these Guidelines.  Any individual unable or unwilling to meet the obligations of his or her respective position will be replaced.

Members are expected to:
1. Encourage decision making that considers research data, insights and intuitions developed through dialogue before deliberations.
2. Attend all meetings, including the leadership development Session, arrive on time and stay until the end of each meeting.
3. Be prepared for each meeting by reading the materials in advance.
4. Complete tasks assigned, in full and on time.
5. Seek information and knowledge to illuminate an issue in order to make the most appropriate decision. Freely ask questions.
6. Demonstrate good faith, prudent judgment, honesty, transparency and openness in my activities on behalf of the ASDS.
7. Disclose relationships which may create real or perceived conflicts with my duties on the Board.
8. Conduct myself in an ethical, professional, and lawful manner, including proper use of authority and appropriate decorum.
9. Demonstrate uncompromising integrity, which means staying true to what you believe.
10. Adhere to honesty, fairness and “doing the right thing,” even when known and unknown circumstances may make it difficult.
11. Respect and give fair consideration to diverse and opposing viewpoints.
12. Work with practical consensus by allowing: All volunteers to be fully heard, frankly and with respect.

  • All members to be honest in views and feelings.
  • All views to be considered without prejudice.
  • All relevant information to be shared equally among the volunteers.
  • My personal position to be sacrificed for the sake of ASDS and be accountable to and accepting and supportive of the decision made.

13. Refrain from making judgmental statements, monopolizing the conversation, distracting oneself and others with electronic devices, and conducting side conversations.
14. Raise any concerns before and/or during a meeting, instead of after a meeting is completed and the decision has been made.